Danielle Batist

Independent journalist and media innovator


Thanks for being here. You may have arrived here because you’ve got a story to tell, and want me to help you tell it.

You’d like to grow the sustainability of your independent media organisation.

Maybe you need a mentor, strategic advisor or external assessor for your journalism fund, conference, event or programme, and wonder what I’ve done in the journalism innovation space.

You are looking for a workshop leader or speaker on constructive journalism, journopreneurship, media membership models or technology and journalism.

Or you might be curious about the reporting I’ve done.

If you’d like to get in touch, you can reach me via email: daniellebatist@gmail.com or LinkedIn.

“Danielle is a phenomenal journalism project manager with an excellent operations head on her shoulders and was able to steer the campaign in all areas: from high-level strategy to making sure we stayed on-message in our communications and offering detailed digital marketing ideas. Her experience, combined background in journalism and willingness to muck in wherever we needed it, made her the perfect person for the relaunch campaign of our international news magazine.”
“Danielle’s strength is that she instantly picks out what makes your journalism project unique and knows how to translate that into a compelling story to gain the necessary support. She generates the traffic, and ultimately knows how to convert visitors into paying backers of the project.”